Studies show that those who struggle with pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and epilepsy all find relief from cannabis use. And while the average cannabis user is a forty-something-year-old man, adolescents and seniors also stand to benefit immensely from marijuana products.
However, several factors, including legality, stigma, and lack of information can make it difficult for these populations to acquire the natural remedies they need to find comfort.
Green Aisle Cannabis creates safe, reliable products for the most vulnerable cannabis users. That’s why every packaged product contains heat-sensitive ink that reveals an authentication code, in addition to a thorough product facts label, so the only thing your loved ones have to worry about is feeling better.
YEAR 2022
TYPE Logo and Branding, Package Design, Print Design, Digital Design
ROLE Final Project for MFA class, Graduate Studio
AWARD GDUSA 2022 American Graphic Design Award